Acredite se quiser! Este foi o caminho percorrido por Nikole Mitchell, uma pastora de Igreja Evangélica que agora ganha a vida fazendo strip no OnlyFans.

Mesmo criada em uma família conservadora, Mitchell revelou ao New York Post que desde pequena fantasiava em ser uma stripper. Mas acabou seguindo vida na Igreja Evangélica. “Fui doutrinada a acreditar que meus desejos e meu corpo eram pecaminosos”, lembra.

Casada e mãe de três filhos, se tornou pastora da Woodland Hills Church, mas cinco anos depois sua vida mudou quando assistia a uma peça de teatro LGBT. Nikole disse que começou a perceber que não é heterossexual. Ao perceber que na verdade vivia com sua sexualidade em segredo optou em abandonar a igreja.

Eu sabia que se revelasse, perderia tudo porque a igreja não acolhe pessoas queer. Então eu simplesmente nunca mais apareci de novo.

Pastora Evangélica explica como largou a Igreja
Ver essa foto no Instagram

Let's turn up the heat today!? . Just posted video in my stories of our brand new baby hummingbird named Lila!? . Not sure if Penny (the mom) just has the one baby (they can lay up to 2 babies) but we only see the one baby for now.? . Check out my stories to meet the newest member of our little bird family! . There's just something so beautiful about seeing new life being born. . ? It's a reminder there's still beauty everywhere you look. . ? That the Universe is in the work of new life. . ? Hope is being born every day. . ? Little things can make a big difference. . So do something today – however big or little – to be the change you want to see in the world. . – Be extra kind to someone who's grumpy today.? . – Tip extra generously today.? . – Speak up when someone makes a racist or prejudiced comment.????? . – Sign a petition, send an email to your representative, make a phonecall.?? . – Donate to causes & organizations that are healing the world (see link in my bio for 2 places you can donate to).? . – Tell someone you love them just because you can.? . – Write a letter & send it in the mail tomorrow (isn't snail mail the best?!)? . – Read a book about someone who grew up differently from you (highly recommend the book Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson)? . – Watch a show about history you didn't know about growing up (ie: Self-Made on Netflix is AMAAAZING; it's based on the true story of Madam CJ Walker, a black woman from the South, who became the first black self-made millionaire in the early 1900s).? . – Stop & smell flowers you see on the side of the road or sidewalk? . – Go outside barefoot & get grounded & soak in the sun for 5 minutes?? . – Take a bath with epsom salt & essential oil?? . – Watch a comedic show to make you laugh (I recommend Fortune Feimster, Trevor Noah, Ken Jeong, & Taylor Tomlinson on Netflix)? . – Attend a protest today (swipe to join a protest here in LA!)?? . – Take a shower, eat nourishing food, & get outside. The little things can make a big difference.? . Love you. Here for you. . Thank you for showing up & making the world a better place. . ?: @davekelleyphotography Models: & @mitchellnikole

Uma publicação compartilhada por Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) em

Mitchell sabia que ela queria se aprofundar em seus próprios desejos sexuais e se inscreveu em uma aula chamada “Sexpress You”. Em seguida, ela se juntou a um fotógrafo para fazer sua primeira sessão de fotos nuas.

Empolgada com sua nova vocação como stripper e modelo erótica, Mitchell lançou uma conta OnlyFans onde ela posta fotos e vídeos explícitos em troca de dinheiro.

Comecei muito tímida, apenas com fotos de topless. Mas agora levo pedidos pessoais e faço vídeos sob medida para os desejos específicos das pessoas.

Nikole Mitchell explica como é seu trabalho no OnlyFans
Ver essa foto no Instagram

This isn’t about manipulating people or systems to get an end result. It’s about ALLOWING yourself to have what you want: a bigger reach, a bigger influence, a bigger income, and the kind of opportunities you dream of. There’s nothing wrong with wanting more. But as long as you tell yourself a story of why it’s selfish to want more or that you’re shallow for desiring a bigger following or more money or an upgrade in life, you will not let yourself have what you want. This is why just doing the practical steps isn’t enough. You have to address the story you’re telling yourself! ***You have to address things energetically if you want things to work practically.*** This is the heart, energy, and design behind Monday’s LIVE training. We are going to address the energetic and the practical. We are going to tell you a better and truer story, one that serves you and empowers you. We’re going to dive deep into mindset and methods that allow you to have it all. Yes, this is about growing your IG following. But it’s also so much more. It’s about becoming the person who knows how to magnetically draw all things to you. It’s about trusting your desires and knowing they’re leading you to where you want to go. It’s about allowing your life to get better and better and letting the Universe delight you with how good it can get. It’s about being the fullest expression of yourself and being massively rewarded in return. This training is going to heal, uplevel, and transform so many people AND get you the followers you want. Ready for that? Then sign up in my bio. I got you! ?: @wsierraphotography

Uma publicação compartilhada por Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) em

Ela contou ao jornal nova-iorquino que chegou até mesmo a negociar fazer sexo por dinheiro e que receberia “milhares de dólares” por isso. Mas, segundo Nikole, por conta da pandemia da Covid-19 teve que cancelar.

Separada do marido desde 2019, a ex-pastora evangélica se assumiu bissexual e diz que está mais feliz do que nunca: “Toda pessoa tem o direito de se expressar da maneira que for melhor para ela e essa maneira que parece bom para mim”, finaliza.

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